Friday 27 April 2012

Week 8: The completed Digital Project

I finished my digital project!!

I filmed two videos, posted several links, and posts.  Posting the videos was definitely the most challenging but its so easy now. I've learned so much from creating this blog, I feel like I can do anything computer related!... Well maybe not everything, but I'm absolutely confident now.

I've really learned a lot from this course.  I was extremely overwhelmed until these last 3 weeks, but now if I had to do another on-line course, it would be a lot easier.  I've learned several new tools to use at work as well, not just teaching related. I have my students creating blogs now too, posting videos etc!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Week 7:The Finished Wiki and Digital Project!

Our group finished our wiki by sunday and handed it in!  It came together so well, I'm so proud of us for completing our first wiki page!

What I've been focussing on lately is completing my Digital project. It will be a blog featuring industry professionals. What im struggling with right now is getting my youtube videos up!

Sunday 15 April 2012

3240 Week 6: our almost finished wiki!

This week in our wiki we all put a tonn of information on and its looking really good. Our group is contributing lots of great information!
This week I've been marking out what I want my digital project blog to look like.  I've gotten some video contributers together as well so that'll be really fun to post!! Can't wait to hand it in so everyone can have a look!

Friday 6 April 2012

Week 5: The Wiki Page

Handed in my Digital Project proposal last week, I'm really excited to get working on it! Its going to be a Beauty Blog featuring the Suki's Expert Estheticians, and various guests, as well as posts, videos, and images of current trends and industry happenings!

I've been working on the wiki page more this week. I'm finally getting a solid grip on what it's about.I know...only took me 5 weeks(ha!) but I'm really excited to keep going with it. This Week I posted a tonn of essential information and citations, and even figured out how to link pages!! Very exciting week for me ;)

Stay tuned for next weeks "Week 6, Wiki: The almost finished product"

Week 4: The Digital Project

Working on my Digital Project Proposal this week.  I'm creating a Beauty Blog with posts, videos, and images on beauty history, current trends, product formulations, and treatments.  The blog with feature myself, and have several other guests such as Suki's Expert Estheticians, and various others. I'm so enthusiac about this project, it'll be such a great way to spread ACCURATE information in the esthetic world, where its so unregulated.

Saturday 24 March 2012

Caitlin's 3240 life week 3

This week my group and I met on ooVoo on tuesday to figure out how we were going to tackle the building of our Wiki space on copywrite.  I've learned how to navigate all the pages with more ease, and how to edit colours/themes/styles on our wiki.

.For our group project We've decided we're all going to do our own research, post what we feel is important on our wiki and then we'll meet up once a week and edit it down, and take our next steps.  I've gone ahead and changed set up and colours for our site, and I've still in the reasearch process. I've checked out different copyright sites, and looking specifically for copywrite issues effecting educators.

This week working on my digital project has been fairly minimal.  I have mostly been concentrating on when to film my blog posts. The building of the blog itself I already have experiance in, so my concern lies in the filming at the moment. I'm filming segments of my team of estheticians doing treatments, and speaking about products or new technology for our Suki's blog, so I'm going to have them featured on my blog as well!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

3240 Week 2

    This week was equally as confusing, but much more time consuming. I had some of the sites figured out but navigating them was time consuming, and probably will be until I get used to format, but I'm excited for the course now that I'm understanding how the sites run.
      Success!! Brian helped me find the TandT blog! I posted my two articles on Trends and Technology and my third on 2.0 late saturday. I struggled but I'm feeling confident in my research skills. I learned how to find articles on the VCC website this week, and also how to cite reference through examples on the VCC website as well.
      On the group project this week, I read the VCC information on copywrite but wasn't clear on what I should be putting on our Wiki. ( if you'd like to check our site out). I found myself researching all sorts of sites to get a clearer picture of what we should be putting on the site. Nothing has been posted on our Wiki site to this point, but we did get the whole group signed up and invited as organizers onto our Wiki page. I'm also now our Team Leader!
     I read three TandTblogs this week. I read Teresa's on what to take into consideration when using web 2.0 when teaching adults. I was intrigued by this article because the key points of how adults learn are what I'm working on incorporating into my curriculum's.  I read Andrews Web 2.0 on Youtube which was interesting to me because I teach young artists, and use youtube often as a resource to catch students attention, lighten the mood, set the class tone in some cases, and to teach differeent technical skills also.  It was great to see other educators using this tool as well.  The third blog I read was Karill's on using laptops and websites in the classroom, this caught my eye because I encourage my students to write blogs about their experiences in the classroom, but I learned from this  article that it would be interesting to have students bring in their laptops and talk about what exactly is going on in their blogs over the entire course so we can all learn from their experiences and challenges.


3240 Week 1: Media 'Enhanced' Learning

This was the first week of 3240 Media Enhanced Learning. I thought it would be rather easy for me to set up my VCC email, ooVoo, and figure out how the TandT blog worked but I was very confused, and very frustrated. However, after a few days or practice, and several emails/phone calls to Brian, and hauling my laptop into Vancouver Community College as a last resort, it all the sudden clicked! ooVoo has been such a great tool just to get together with my group and have a quick conference about how we're going to attempt our Wiki page, I've learned how to see other peoples desktops when they are struggling and how to add people to our conversations.  The TandT blog I'm still figureing out....
       The digital project seems much easier than the Wiki page on copywrite. My concept is to start a skincare blog including images, written posts, and videos. I will provide more reflection on classmates digital prjects when I figure out where the TandT blog is!