Friday 27 April 2012

Week 8: The completed Digital Project

I finished my digital project!!

I filmed two videos, posted several links, and posts.  Posting the videos was definitely the most challenging but its so easy now. I've learned so much from creating this blog, I feel like I can do anything computer related!... Well maybe not everything, but I'm absolutely confident now.

I've really learned a lot from this course.  I was extremely overwhelmed until these last 3 weeks, but now if I had to do another on-line course, it would be a lot easier.  I've learned several new tools to use at work as well, not just teaching related. I have my students creating blogs now too, posting videos etc!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Week 7:The Finished Wiki and Digital Project!

Our group finished our wiki by sunday and handed it in!  It came together so well, I'm so proud of us for completing our first wiki page!

What I've been focussing on lately is completing my Digital project. It will be a blog featuring industry professionals. What im struggling with right now is getting my youtube videos up!

Sunday 15 April 2012

3240 Week 6: our almost finished wiki!

This week in our wiki we all put a tonn of information on and its looking really good. Our group is contributing lots of great information!
This week I've been marking out what I want my digital project blog to look like.  I've gotten some video contributers together as well so that'll be really fun to post!! Can't wait to hand it in so everyone can have a look!

Friday 6 April 2012

Week 5: The Wiki Page

Handed in my Digital Project proposal last week, I'm really excited to get working on it! Its going to be a Beauty Blog featuring the Suki's Expert Estheticians, and various guests, as well as posts, videos, and images of current trends and industry happenings!

I've been working on the wiki page more this week. I'm finally getting a solid grip on what it's about.I know...only took me 5 weeks(ha!) but I'm really excited to keep going with it. This Week I posted a tonn of essential information and citations, and even figured out how to link pages!! Very exciting week for me ;)

Stay tuned for next weeks "Week 6, Wiki: The almost finished product"

Week 4: The Digital Project

Working on my Digital Project Proposal this week.  I'm creating a Beauty Blog with posts, videos, and images on beauty history, current trends, product formulations, and treatments.  The blog with feature myself, and have several other guests such as Suki's Expert Estheticians, and various others. I'm so enthusiac about this project, it'll be such a great way to spread ACCURATE information in the esthetic world, where its so unregulated.